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Region: Yirgacheffe Woreda, Gedeo Zone
Producer: Various small holders from 438 farms
Varietal: Kurume
Process: Natural
Altitude: 1900-2300 M.A.S.L.
Flavour Profile: Soft acidity, peach, strawberry, caramel and notes of cinnamon with a tea like body. Delicate and balanced
Idido wet mill is owned and operated by Memiru Demise who has built years
of experience running his family’s 26 hectares of coffee farm at the mountain of Idido for the past 12 years. You’ll reach Idido, a small village driving across the mountains of the Yirgacheffe town. Coffee was literally made to thrive in the lush environment Yirgacheffe’s forests provide, developing nuanced floral characteristics, articulate sweetness and sparkling acidity.